Clear Plumbing Malibu FAQS

Clear Plumbing Malibu mentions some frequently asked question to help our customers because the satisfied customer is a base of a successful business.

Where is the water shut-off valve of my house?

  • Their many points but it all depend on the kind of foundation. Contact us we will help you with it.
  • The concrete slab is the foundation of your house that it might be close to the water meter or nest heater(water)location.
  • Is your house has crawl space? Shut off valve may be present in the bedroom closet near the water meter.

Having high water bills? Although there is no increase in water consumption?

  • Check for any leaky faucets, sink.
  • The pipe might be a break or leaky.
  • Toilet leak one of the reason.
  • Leak in the water line.
  • Call us for a home inspection.

I m going to build a toilet at basement, but drain line is above the basement. Should I use the pump for it?

  • Yes, you can, call us for a free consultation and we will guide you correctly.

My shower bubbles when I run a cloth washer?

  • Break in the sewer line.
  • Or there is a blockage in a drainage pipe.
  • For best solution call us now.